Dusky Warm

Dusky Warm
This week on Flickr Faves Sunday, I bring you a winter palette of dusky peach, off white and choc with these gorgeous pics. Check back soon for some more of the most inspirational photographers on Flickr.

Some beautiful shots from my Flickr favourites (clockwise from top left):
Have a great day!

My 'Fingerpainting'

So, we're sitting around the dinner table tonight, eating pizza. 'We' being hubby and I and my hubby's two nephews (14 and 15). The conversation? Art. The eldest nephew, Tom is a bit of a dab hand at art. Came 2nd in his year out of 150. Or something.

All of a sudden, nephew draws his attention to a piece of artwork hung above the kitchen table.

"Did you paint that, Nicole?"

Why yes. I did as a matter of fact.

He ponders the art for a moment.

"Is it a fingerpainting?"


Actually, it is NOT a fingerpainting. Nor is it an original idea. I plagiarised the idea from an issue of Real Living a long while back, painting it one rainy day with A PAINTBRUSH, dammit. It brightens up the space and despite the fact that my nephew thinks it is a fingerpainting and my mother in law rehung it upside down from while I was out of the house one day, because she felt "the flames should come up from the bottom" (I mean, I'm just the artist, what would I know about which direction it should be hung on the wall) I like it. I do feel guilty a little bit for not coming up with my own original idea, but I can't really afford expensive art; its not like I'm going to sell it, and millions of people have copied the Mona Lisa, riggght?

Have YOU ever 'borrowed' somebody elses creative idea? Come on, 'fess up -- ease my guilt, just a little!