Our house doesn't offer too much natural light. I'm talking about that dazzling, 'living near the beach' bright light that you can do so much with. If I want to use a small aperture and no flash, the shutter speed is far too slow for handheld photography. It's the ideal time to use our Manfrotto tripod - that thing is a contortionist! It also allows me to get a decent shot of our B&W 'family and friends' framed photo wall.
On the subject of framing, I've been looking around for a something to hang in Lily's room. I was considering a 'dolls and teddies' photo wall, but then questioned the longevity of the idea. Anyhow, last week we ended up in an arts supplies shop in Balmain where we found some breathtaking work by Art and Ghosts. Thought some of the themes might be a wee bit dark for Lily, but she loved this poster and anything that featured a 'big girl' wearing a crown, mask or bunny ears. Two small prints and one poster later, it's our framed wall art all sorted.
On the subject of framing, I've been looking around for a something to hang in Lily's room. I was considering a 'dolls and teddies' photo wall, but then questioned the longevity of the idea. Anyhow, last week we ended up in an arts supplies shop in Balmain where we found some breathtaking work by Art and Ghosts. Thought some of the themes might be a wee bit dark for Lily, but she loved this poster and anything that featured a 'big girl' wearing a crown, mask or bunny ears. Two small prints and one poster later, it's our framed wall art all sorted.