New Nursery Peek... Starting at the Door!

On Saturday, Fern and I were in the car by 7.30am (no mean feat, I assure you!) to get to Mathilda's Market bright and early... We wanted to be there early, because frankly last time was a bit of a nightmare - with hundreds of frenzied women jostling for position at the front of the cupcake stall - and I didn't think I could cope both by myself and with a pram!

Maybe it was because I went by myself and didn't have a shopping wing-woman to encourage me that I really didn't buy very much at all... in fact I was a bit disappointed with my paltry purchases when I got home!

Anyway, I did manage to pick up a little something or two for the new baby's nursery (which is beginning to take shape in my head). My favourite purchase was this cloud mobile from Gifts Created:

I think it's really cute! I'd been looking for a gender-neutral door mobile for the new baby to go with Fern's gorgeous bird dream-catcher which she has on her bedroom door:

Obviously I don't know the name of the new baby yet, but I was sort of thinking it might be cute to get stencilled letters that say "reserved" in the meantime. Is that idea too kitch??

So now I have the door to the nursery underway... maybe its time I focused on the interior! Stay tuned folks, I have big plans!

Have a great week


@ my house

I am busily editing
photos from the
2 shoots I did on
the weekend.
This is one I took
in between the
sessions as I
explored the beach
a little, soaked up the sunshine
& enjoyed some
'me' time.

What are you doing @ your house?

Join in here

Hurtling through life

Our children are here to teach us more about the world than we ever could have found out on our own.  It's not just the gift of getting to experience everything through young eyes again (only this time as a grown-up thinker). It's also the differences in your personalities and the stuff that you learn about others and yourself as a result.

I've always been a confident, fearless sort of person. I don't have a lot of anxiety about my place in the world and if I ever felt differently as a child I don't remember now. So it's a true learning, growing experience to have a son who is anxious and fearful about so many things. And because he's also a charming, imaginative little soul, there are always lots and lots of things to worry about.

I find that his anxiety sometimes rubs off on me.

I naturally feel anxious for him and my girls as they go about the sometimes overwhelming business of life. Which is all part of being a parent! But sometimes I've also felt the uncomfortable and somehow painful sting of generalised anxiety. I'm awake in the night worried, but I don't know what it is that I'm worried about. I just feel like I'm hurtling through life - confused, untethered, groundless - towards a painful landing. Just when I think I've pinpointed where the worry is coming from, it slips away like an ominous shadow in the night.

It makes me realise how dehabilitating anxiety is and how grateful I am that it's not something that has plagued me in this life. It also makes me determined to take my son's worries very seriously and help him learn ways of coping that will hopefully banish the pain of anxiety in later years.

[Lovely car image: Ferry Halim] / [Awesome anxiety girl image: nataliedee]

Pretty Dining

Pretty Dining
This week on Flickr Faves Sunday, I bring you some pretty dining with these gorgeous pics. Check back soon for some more of the most inspirational photographers on Flickr.

Some beautiful shots from my Flickr favourites (clockwise from top left):

Have a sweet day!

Point + Shoot : 12

How was your weekend...? Ours was super busy - We had friends over for dinner Friday and we were out for tea both Saturday and Sunday. Its so crazy how the weekends just fly by.

I did however get to work on a heap of new orders on Saturday and FINALLY finished my items for the Craft Swap that Bec from Fun with a little wise owl had organised.  Now, I cant tell you who they are for but I hope she and her boys enjoy the swap pressies.

This little sweetie arrived on my doorstep on Friday - A BIG Thank you to Renee from spunkee!! She makes gorgeous little softies out of reclaimed fabrics - so cute! She has a lovely Blog as well!

Here are a few of the new pretties going into my shop this week!

Dont forget to see what everyone else is doing with Point + Shoot here