I started 'Grateful Saturday' in order to take a moment every week to reflect on the things in my life that were positive and appreciated. It's a grounding, important thing in my life and I am convinced that it helps keep me looking for and focusing on life's positives.
I've always done 'three things'. Who knows why three, but three it is.
I've had a HUGE week in blogging land this week. Really awesome support and love coming at me from all angles and I'm positively overwhelmed and so very grateful. Thank you to everyone. I stand behind the fact that
I think blogging makes us nicer people. I really do.
It's been so hard to stick to just three things, but, this week I'm grateful for...
145. Companies that 'get it' -
Prey, I love that you got a random email from some chick with a blog and
you ran with it. You didn't try to 'corporatise' me or go on and on about your 'brand'. You didn't have lots of rules and regulations... in fact, you had none. You just
got that blogging is about having a conversation with a friend and you pulled up a chair.
Are you listening, Ford Territory???146.
Shiny Tim - again. I know. It's boring now. But I'm just so darn grateful for those
captured family moments, I really am.
147. Bloggers - Lots and lots and lots of bloggers. I'm probably running out of ways to say I'm grateful for our little community, but again, I am just so happy with the lot of you that I'll repeat myself again and again and again. And again. Thank you for joining in with Grateful Saturday each week. It means a great deal to me.
So, what's making you smile today? Add your I'm Grateful For post to the list below (and please, we love you, but it really does matter that your post is a Grateful one and not just a random), add the button (grab the code from my sidebar and paste it into your post) and pretty-please add a link back to me. Then pop over to visit other bloggers who are spreading a little sunshine.
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[Image by Tim Coulson]