Eomeo mtret egi polleon! Rolleo tavits mceonx psreq gobbln ertey melns progni dopple. Qermm dislov imptiy ribbet, solvo grippin sloig mippin abt rtwewegs. Wbogh restar yepsa nittee sesseo pwle. Please stop the madness! Don't make me type nonsense words that I can't actually read anyway. I love your blog to bits, but I am so utterly tired of typing painstaking nonsense. I do enough of that on my own blog.
Brlast opeon riccoh hgjhg wert mobble sootre dasaj markedi hoppe lillim sgrop mista ghropt riggam spone squt. Reset poppt!It's so easy to remove the word verification off your Blogger blog and
I've never had a problem with spam since I did. Believe me!
Ipprn quimpl ghde ribe.Here's how you do it.
If you are using the 'new look' Blogger interface, you'll need to go back to the old Blogger interface (at least, that's the only way I know how to do it...). Just click on the little steering wheel looking thingy (technical term) on the RHS of the new interface. This will take you to your old-school Dashboard.
Click on 'Settings', then 'Comments' then scroll down to 'Show word verification for comments' and click select 'Absolutely, you bet, please get rid of these ridiculous words from my precious blog because they are making people not want to leave a comment because it's all too hard and they are weeping,
weeping I tell you' (or you could just click 'No') and you're done!
I also have 'Comment moderation' set on my blog for posts older than 3 days. This is mainly so I never miss a comment, but I think it's a good back up so that spam doesn't get sprinkled across your older posts. You can delete them as they come in. I have done that an astounding 3 times in the seven whole months that I haven't had word veri on. The spam catcher gets pretty much all of the spam whether you have word veri on or not...
So, there you have it.
Pretty please?
[Image by Panna Lemoniada. Word verification by Oscar Wilde.]