Back when I was thinking about doing my
'first birthday' blog post, I was wracking my brains for some interesting blog-type tidbit to pass on and darn if I couldn't think of anything unique to add to the discussion.
But I think I have something new to add after all!
Because I have lots of lovely, engaged 'followers' (man, I hate that word!), I often get emails from new bloggers asking me how I built my community so quickly. I generally respond with the 'big three':
1. Enjoy visiting lots of blogs and leave comments when you can
2. Write at regular times so people know when to find you
3. Ask questions in your post if you are interested in a response
Like I said, the usual suspects.
But I think I have something new to add after all!
I had a little bit of time to browse on Tuesday and I did something I haven't done for a long time. I 'hopped' from new blog to new blog to see what's out there. I'm sure we all do this, usually clicking on links we've never been to in the blog rolls on each blog we visit. Standard stuff.
But I think I have something new to add after all!
Because what I did, and have always done without realising what it meant, was read the comments on posts that interested me and then I clicked on a comment that interested me and then I visited that person's blog and if I liked it, I left a comment and if I really, really liked it, I followed. That's how I built my community, you see, by finding out about the blogs of people
who are already commenters.
You see?
We all know stacks of great people who read many, many blogs but don't tend to leave a comment. Which is just fine (although I don't know how they do it, I can't shut up myself). But if you want some engagement and interaction on your site (which, I don't know about you, but for me is the best bit about blogging) then look to
make friends with the commenters.
That's all. Probably not so revelationary after all now that I see it written down (which is so often the case, isn't it!), but it was a big 'jump in the air' moment for me when I suddenly realised what I was subconsciously up to. Do you do things like that?
And now, in the true spirit of blogging, I invite every single person who is reading this post to leave me a comment to say hi. Even if it's just a 'hi' or even a dreaded :) and even if you stay Anonymous.
Just so I know you're there.
[Image originally found here]