Candy Easter Eggs

Candy Easter Eggs

Last year I made candy filled Easter eggs and they went down a treat with the kids when I hid them in the garden as part of my Easter egg hunt. So this year I made them again, but this time filling them with vanilla, bubblegum and blueberry flavoured Jelly Belly beans to match my colour palette.

Candy Easter Eggs
Tools and Materials

Candy Easter Eggs, How-to step by step
Making candy filled eggs for Easter

Start by washing and drying the plastic eggs. Then wrap a line of washi tape around the bottom half of the egg top, follow by wrapping a layer of lace tape over the washi tape. Cut ribbon to size and knot ends, thread through hole in top of egg and fill egg with jelly beans or small candy and carefully snap together.

Candy filled eggs
Trims for candy filled eggs

Have a sweet day!

Body Love

I am a big giant ball of excitement right now! Energy is running through my veins, passion is beating through my heart and happiness is shining from my eyes. This year has been a whirl wind. A massive roller coaster that I absolutly can not keep up with! Every month, every week, every day, brings a new set of challenges and accomplishments. Time is flying. It's March already people. How did this happen. Last I remember I was planning for my birthday and getting ready for Christmas. These past few months have flown by and every day has been memorable. Happy memories, sad memories, joyful memories and tough memories, but never the less, memories that will stay with me forever. This has been my first year as a coeliac and my first year dealing with giving up food. Giving up food for me was like giving up a part of myself. Not easy to deal with, but I have gotten through. I have NEVER been on a diet in my life. Now my whole world revolves around this difficult diet. Every meal, every snack and every treat has to be thought about, planned and executed very carefully. I take it seriously because I need to get better. At the start of the year I started running and was loving it sick. Now looking back I realise that My running was my outlet. It crossed my mind once or twice but now I definitely know that it was my outlet. I replaced my eating of gluten and lactose with running. A nice trade in my eyes. Good on ya brain. I didn't do it on purpose. I wasn't consciously thinking, instead of eating this sandwich I'm going to go for a run. It just happened.

Now 3 months later, I have found a new love of exercise! Before this year I didn't get it! I expressed it once or twice in this blog! I didn't get 'gym goers' I didn't get how people live for and loved exercising! Now...I get it! I totally get it. I don't know why? I don't know how? But it's awesome and I love it. I am feeling so much happier and I am seeing results in my body!! My body is toning up by the week and I am getting so many compliments! Not only about my body but that I seem so much happier and brighter!

I love my gym! I love the people, I love the instructors, I love the classes, I love the feel. There is no pressure or competition! We are all there for the same become fit, healthy and happy! And that my beautiful friends is the awesome journey I am on!

I wasn't going to post this photo but I want to document it! It's part of my journey! It's who I am right now in march 2012! I want to look back and see the changes! I can already see changes and it's only been 3 weeks! I'm not perfect but this is me and I am proud of my body! We as women should be able to look in the mirror and be proud! We should love! I love my body right now! I know it's going to tone up more but I'm happy right now! So here I am! Proud and in love with my body!

x S.K.K x

The I Wishes can come true

My earlier post about the I Wish Beast went off like a rock (as Cappers would say). It seems we are all a bit prone to letting that beast run riot and get us down.

As so many of you pointed out, it doesn't have to be a bad thing.

I realised after reading all of your thoughtful comments, that I actually need to be taking the 'I Wish' list seriously. I actually need to be wishing harder.

For what is it about 'that girl' that I really wish for? I don't want to be her... I just want to be a better me. A me that is more like the me in my dreams.

So, I have made a list. My 'I Wish' list. No beast in sight.

I wish I could sew
I'm going to sew three little drawstring bags by the end of April using this tutorial and linking up with my all time beautiful clever clogs when I'm done.

I wish I grew some of my own vegetables
I am planting some rocket, watercress and spinach seeds this weekend. You've gotta start somewhere. I'll be checking in with Little Eco Footprints and Down To Earth to keep me grounded (heh, heh).

I wish I was a better photographer
I started Fat Mum Slim's Photo a Day, but on reflection March probably wasn't a great month to start something new. I am going to commit to doing April and I'm getting photography tips here and hoping I can learn by osmosis from this one.

I wish I had better design skills
I'm investing in the Adobe Creative Suite and teaching myself some fantastic new skills using the tutorials at Lynda. Did you know that full-time Australian primary and secondary school students qualify for the student version of this package? I can't wait to get started.

I wish I loved carrots
Remember my list from yesterday's post? Well, I'm going to give up everything on that list for the month of May. Thank god I forgot to put bacon on there...

I have other wishes. More than anyone needs to be going on with. But I'm just going to focus on these five wishes for the next few months and see how I turn out in the end.

What do you wish for and what can you do about it?

[Image via weheartit, please let me know if it is yours.]