snapshots from the past...

Autumn leaves and one beautiful little boy warm and cosy in his little white wondersuit.
(Winter 2009)
leaves lost and rediscovered...

Beautiful leaves collected and sorted...
Little hands tracing and crayon rubbing with Daddy...
We made a little mobile to hang and admire while we play...hanging in our lounge room it catches the warm winter sun and reflects stunning shadows over my little one as he reads his favorite book....Magic Beach
a perfect start to the week

I have to say it was a perfect morning...I was up, organised and had no plans in place for our day. Perfect really, as it was only 10 degrees outside the heater was on and it was to cold to think about heading out anywhere!!! So playing and taking photographs of my son (the perfect subject)was the order of the day. We really just had a lazy old morning eating fruit toast, playing with his boules and snuggling on the sofa with his favorite books. Perfect!

For me this blog is about capturing and remembering all the everyday things that we do together. Our little adventures that mean so much, and that I as a mum am so very lucky to be apart of everyday. For me my baby boy is truly the best company (not to say I don't love the time I have with my husband, family and friends) I do...but with my son I love the little things, the simple things. Watching him play and dance, the little look on his face when he discovers something for his sand bucket as he explores in the garden, the way he runs on the field near our house kicking his favorite ball, his soft touch as he curls up tight next to me and whispers "kiss me, cuddle me mummy",the excitement on his face or in his little voice when the phone rings, the skype button sounds or when a family member walks into the house.

He has such a beautiful spirit and for for this I am so very lucky.

Pretentious wanker tosser types

[Source: Stella Pictures]

I know it's not nice to judge others and I reeeeally try not to. But there are certain choices that my fellow citizens of the world make that I feel are just so contrived and awful that they are begging for criticism. Begging.

Now, I'm probably going to offend some people, and for that I apologise. I want you to remember that good people make pretentious choices sometimes, so calling someone a wanker doesn't necessarily make them a bad person. My friend M is a really lovely, sunny, fun and kind person but she named her first born son 'Jet'. Tosser.

Kids in trilbies.

Buying designer clothes for 'the quality'

Adopting a hyper-sculpted beard with the ironic excuse 'I hate shaving'

Drinking designer water like antipodes or Bling H2O or Tap

Hungry models pretending they eat

Wearing earmuffs in Sydney

Men over 18 working the 'emo' look

Doing up your shoelaces under the tongue... because bows are so unfashionable?

But, really, it's hard to think of bigger wankers than people who fork out mega bucks buying designer clothes their kids... Exhibit A: "Shopping at a Sydney Bonza Brats children's wear store last week, Double Bay mother Anna Macri admits it is not unusual for her to run up $600 on her American Express card in one shopping session, collecting designer pieces for her four-year-old daughter, Francesca, and 18-month-old Gabriella. "It's expensive, but the stuff does last the distance," she says. "With the first one, you do go psycho spending, but now my 18-month-old is wearing the clothes." [Source: SMH, April 17, 2007] OOOOh, sorry, so you're spending $600 on kids designer clothes so you can hand them down? Because generations of families spending $10 on kids clothes have obviously not been able to do that. Noooow I get it.

What sort of stuff do you find frustratingly wanky?

lOVE it

I love a good face mask 
the perfect pick me up pamper 
once the little ones are tucked up in bed!
how good do these look?!
available to suit all skin types
click here to find out more
they are reasonably priced too.

'mask in a cup introduces a take home, salon quality, treatment face mask. Combining the natural 

antioxidants of the Pomegranate with the active clay, mask in a cup provide you with a naturally 

absorbent face mask; detoxifying, cleansing, nourishing and revitalising the skin, whilst promoting 

optimum skin health.'

Indi's {Bunny} Birthday

My beautiful baby girl is one - where did the year go!
We had the most wonderful afternoon celebrating her birthday with the family.
So enjoy some pictures of her cute pink and chocolate bunny party.


The yummiest bunny cookies

The birthday girl - all smiles when she realised everyone was singing to her - Miss Indi is the 10th grandchild on Mr A's side and the 5th on my side so for her to be centre stage made her smile!

Strawberry Milk

Mmm Macaroons

Bunnies to take home

The dessert table featured:-
Marsmallow Pops
Coconut Ice
Macaroons and Bunny Cookies by Cookie Couture
Oreo Cookies
Mini Meringues
Strawberry Milk in those lovely little bottles
Indi's t-shirt by Naomi at taylored4baby

Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes for Indi - we had a fabulous day and thank you to all the fabulous party planners out there in blog world that gave me so much inspiration!


Pictures of You...

Recently, I stumbled upon a gorgeous idea from Young House Love for recording the first precious months of your baby's life:

Their idea is fairly simple -- each week, they photograph their baby wearing a white gro-suit, laying on a gorgeous piece of material.
Clearly, their fabric collection is a little more abundant than my own, but I really love this idea! Then, they simply photoshop in the 'weeks' number and hey presto! A perfectly captured memento of their new baby.
I'm thinking of doing something similar for my new baby. It would be so gorgeous as a photo montage (like the one above) for the babys first birthday, don't you think? You could improvise by using bed linen or a cute tablecloth or even a beach towel if you didn't own copious amounts of fabric. And I do like the idea of wearing the same outfit each time.
In Fern's case, aside from the 4-squillion ad-hoc shots I took of her daily, I also photographed her each month sitting in our pink Eames rocker. She didn't have a special outfit, and I just kinda let her loll about (or stand!) in any fashion she desired. It's nice to look back at them to see how much she grew in her first year. And some of those pics are now my favourites from her first year...

Here's a sampler:

How did you/ will you record your baby's first year?

Things That Make Me Smile

Yesterday while I was driving down to pick up my eldest daughter to take her to visit her Nanna who is very close to leaving this earth, my heart was heavy. Along the journey I happened to spy something that always makes me smile and leaves me with a happy heart.

That things was about 30 odd pelicans soaring on the thermals. I love pelicans. Large ungainly birds on land, they are so light and beautiful when airborne. They float on the air, soaring higher and higher in larger and larger circles. So graceful, so majestic, so beautiful. I love pelicans, on land, but especially in the air. I knew that the day would be okay.

That night when driving home I got to experience another thing that makes me feel good - a full moon rising yellow and round. By the time I was nearly home I got to see the start of the partial lunar eclipse. The moon is always soothing to my soul, a full moon even more so.

Simple things, but things that make me smile. I hope you have simple things in your life that sometimes just appear to remind you that it is not always the big things you need to have in your life.