Hello Green

It is St Patrick's Day of course we think of all things green.
I went on a hunt to find some green inspirations and and then had a play with my camera - here is what I came up with!  Enjoy your St Patrick's Day wherever you are.

Images: Sweet Style
Straws, Baking Cups, Gelato spoons, Choc Beans, Ribbon, Jars, twine and bags all available in the Sweet Style online store

Vacation to Cancun, MX

I have to say, vacation this year started off rough. The night before our flight Addison woke up coughing, hoarse, and warm (no fever though). She was very upset. It took me twenty minutes to calm her back down to sleep and a little dose of medicine. I didn't sleep that night. She sounded horrible while breathing in her sleep. I can't even describe it. I didn't even close my eyes. We had to get up at 4am and I told myself if she seemed any worse or the medicine didn't seem to work when I woke her up then we just wouldn't go. I didn't know what was going on with her but she sounded down right awful. But when I got her up she was very calm so we decided to go on. She did excellent on the flight, still hoarse voice and cough, but happy. The first night there she woke up screaming again. I had already given her Tylenol an hour prior but she was very hot to even touch. She only had a 100 degree temp but again her cough and her screaming really concerned me. I was petrified. I wanted to break down and cry, she seemed to be in pain. Hub and I went over options. Being in a foreign country I really really didn't want to take her to the hospital but I was prepared to if I thought she needed urgent care. I woke up my sister who had baby Motrin. I called my parents room at 1am and was nearly shaking. I felt so helpless being there. It was the unknown that scared me the most. I kept thinking of the commercial of the 'whopping cough' because that's how bad she sounded. I told my mom if she wasn't better in the morning that I wanted to fly home. I stripped Addison down to her diaper and soothed her as much as possible. I felt like a terrible mother to bring my knowingly sick infant to a foreign country. Thankfully, twenty minutes later her fever broke and she fell back asleep. The next day she woke up in a good mood. I kept her fever down with medicine throughout the next two days but otherwise she was as happy as ever, without much of a voice. Every day after she improved. She still, now, has a little cough. I'm just so thankful she recovered quickly. It felt like the worst situation to be in with an infant but I am glad I had my family there for support!

4Anyway, the rest of the week went well. There was a lot of fun in the sun poolside, drinks, and listening to ocean waves. Addison really enjoyed herself, sick and all. She spent lots of time napping her stroller while mommy attempted to get a little tan. Being out there was the perfect white noise for her so she took good naps. Going out to the market and lunch went well too. She just loves seeing new surroundings! And, surprisingly, traveling with five kids four years and under wasn't as bad as expected. And for the most part they were all pretty well behaved!
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Of course I took a million more so it was hard to pick just a few to share :) And of course 95% of them are of Addison :)

52 Weeks of Grateful: Peace

Yesterday I had a moment of complete peace that has calmed me ever since. I noticed it, I captured it, I kept it close.

Life can be a whirlwind in the middle of a thunderstorm at the best of times. I realised yesterday that in order to manage the stress of modern life we need to open a space within ourselves where it can't get in. A snug, wrapped-up-tight space deep inside where all is calm, all is bright.

So, this week I'm grateful for...

218. Moments of peace - if we give them our fullest attention when they happen, they may just be all we need.

219. A cool breeze - that shift in the heat of the day when a sliver of a stir in the air makes the world seem fresh again.

220. Fairy lights - my trees have permanent solar fairy lights and I'm looking at them right now and they are making me feel so glad.

This week I'm also ever-so grateful for books... stop by to visit me at Kidspot and remember the joy of words on paper rather than on screens!

Join our Grateful community by adding your post to the list below (please add a link back to our list here or at Kidspot). Visit some of the other lovely link-ups - it's a beautiful way to spend a little time. Oh, and it would be lovely if everyone visited a few of the 'late arrivals'  to the list each week... it's sad to be late and not get any love, don't you think?

[Image by Amy Haslehurst]