while I am

busy looking through & editing all the photos I took last weekend during a trip to the big city I thought I would share some of the newest blogs I have added to my list


words to shoot by

Pinecone Camp

Now I am 9 Months...

9 months ago, I gave birth to an incy-bincy, cuddly little koala bear who liked to curl into a tiny ball inside my Baby Bjorn and sleep for hours...

... hmph.

in which it is near-on impossible to photograph the man-boy on his back...

Then, about 8.5 months ago, Elliott discovered he had arms. And legs. He regarded them with interest. These days, I am certain he has about 8 of each, his tentacles able to weave and extend and grip and wind and tug and wrap like he's an octopus. Indeed, just changing the boy's nappy requires sheer determination, brute strength and about half an hour; no sooner have you got two legs in the air than his little body has flipped like a pancake and he's trying to crawl off the end; its all I can do to get him over onto his back again before the process starts over...

Yup, the boy is a boy. In every sense of the word. His shoulders are square. His first word was 'yum!' (I swear this is true -- ask Fern!) He has a short attention span. He has a voracious appetite. He is messy. If you are sitting in his path, he will slip into 4wd and climb up and over, continuing on his merry way as though you were never there. And he loves his mum.... at night when he's tired (it's all I can do to keep him up til 6.00pm!) he crawls around the house calling out til he finds me, then he climbs up and holds onto my legs until I scoop him up and take him to beddy byes... and I get to hold him for about 10 minutes while he has his milk, to gaze into his huge greeny-greyey-browny eyes until he's full and he's on the move again, leaning away from me towards his bed where he wants to be deposited with his teddy and blankies....


9 months old and I'm still mad about you, sonny-boy. Who else with 4 teeth in their mouth could look so cute?!

the many faces of Elliott Daniel...

the door...

Too little
has been said
of the door, its one
face turned to the night's
downpour and its other
to the shift and glisten of firelight.

- An extract from The Door by Charles Tomlinson

Winter Fashion Favourties

Hello everyone - I am back - not that I have been anywhere except here burning the midnight oil putting together the finishing touches on my new website.

The other reason for my absence has been that my blogger account was having big problems last week so I could not log in, write any posts or leave any comments on anyones else's blog.  

Pleased the problem seems to have resolved itself today so I thought I would drop in with some of my winter fashion favourites for the coming season - once again my virtual shopping spree has been at Seed Femme - classic easy to wear pieces at a reasonable prices.  While I am definitely a summer girl at heart I do enjoy winter fashion for it's layering, long boots and cosy knits.  Is there something you love about winter fashion?

It is going to be a big and exciting week with the launch of my new website and online store - I can't wait to share it with you all.

Pretty Crafting

Pretty Crafting
This week on Flickr Faves Sunday, I bring you pretty coloured crafts. I so need to organize my buttons! Check back soon for some more of the most inspirational photographers on Flickr.

Some beautiful shots from my Flickr favourites (clockwise from top left):

Have a sweet day!