photo of the day : in Dad's boots

♥ Loving Simply Hue

I'm addicted to Etsy. I scroll through new stores almost every day, dreaming away about what I'd be buying if it was a 'buying day'. I'm finding Vicky at Simply Hue Designs almost irresistable.  She captures daydreamy, lollipop Summers and creates a little yearning in my heart.

I know it's probably a bit of a fad for some, but I love the vintage look for images (you might have noticed that!) An image has to be more than just photoshopped for me to like it, though. You can't hide bad photography with a bit of saturation and a vignette.

Do you have a favourite Etsy shop to share?

Even though it's Sunday, this post is part of ♥Much Love♥ Monday over at Anna's lovely part of the bloggerspace...

Remembering 9/11

I was sitting in 10th grade history class. I had not a clue what was going on. Even when they turned the television on and we saw the second plane hit the twin towers. Yes, I had read about terrorism, I knew what it was, but I still couldn't comprehend what was actually happening. It looked like a movie. I'll never forget. Shock and stillness of our entire high school. Teachers and students panicking when the Pentagon was hit. Worrying for those that worked or lived in the vicinity- parents, relatives, friends. Grabbing their cell phones and making phone calls. Worrying what would happen next. 
Nine years later and it still feels like just yesterday. 

We visited Ground Zero last weekend during our trip to New York.
I hope to return one day to see the official 9/11 Memorial Museum.

In memory of those we lost on that dreadful day and those who still mourn for their loved ones.

God Bless America

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