Do I really want to 'do' Easter?

I'm a sucker for a celebration. I like to throw myself into these things with abandon and go large. Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, sometimes Australia Day, sometimes not.

Easter has always been, well, Easter. Little old Easter. If you're not religious (and if you were, I'm guessing Easter is big), Easter is the most relaxing holiday of them all. Start with a few chockies left by the rabbit in any old hat, throw in bunch of flowers, a croissant breakfast and a disorganised backyard hunt complete with melting eggs and lots of fights. Easter. 

Now Pinterest has come along and I'm seeing that Easter can be so much more than that. There's this whole random Spring-themed, chicken-birthing, egg-painting thing going on in many homes. 

Do I want to deck the house with a pastel themed tree like Martha recommends?

Or add a sweet little wreath to the door to add a touch of Springy humour to Autumn?

Am I going to make egg candles with Martha (please, Martha, do go away)?

Gulp. Do I want to do the Every Kid In The Class thing?

Do I really want to do Easter? Another seasonal celebration that we're kinda in the wrong season for?

Do I? Do you?

[Main image: Easter craft and image by Kim at Retro Mama]

Organizing my sewing threads

Green sewing threads
Sewing threads
Organizing my sewing threads

When I saw this cute "I love sewing" spool holder on The Makery Emporium, I fell in love. A great way to organize my sewing threads and a pretty piece of art for my craft room wall...

Have a sweet day!


is newness
an ocean breeze 
starting over 
ready to eat 
a clear memory 
..always feels good.