Crafty stuff

It's Craft Central at our place at the moment. We're making 25 monster softies for Maxi-Taxi's birthday party on Sunday.
[Image: Revoluzzza]

I know, I know - who has the time, right? I think it's my working mother guilt that compels me to hand make everything. No child of mine is going to miss out on a SAHM experience just because their mum, well, isn't a SAHM... And usually I find a pattern for something fun to make and then I very carefully put it on my pile of 'craft projects I will never make'. But not this time.

So here's the link to the monster softies pattern and tutorial (you can modify it to suit your monstery preferences). This site is pretty cool for making stuff in general.

And while I was on the kids' crafty subject, I thought I'd share a link to Kids' Craft Weekly, a fantastic website that inspires me to be a better hands-on mumma every day. Editorial note: I have never actually made anything either with the children or solo from this very inspirational site.

You see, to me, having children IS the craft project. Growing them, helping them and loving them (even when they're naughty). It all requires considerable creativity, motivation, application and skill. It's like life's biggest craft project that I'm just not allowed to half-finish like that scarf I started knitting back in 2003.

I'll post a photo of the monsters - just so you know I finished them.

@ my house

I am thankful for the wonderful Mother's day celebration we had here yesterday. A lunch made with love, time spent as a family & lots of cuddles from the 2 most important little people in my life. They fill me with so much joy & I am thankful for everyday I hear them call me Mum.

join in here

Point + Shoot : 13

Sunday 9th May 11ish

My two favourite people, some hot coffee, fresh flowers from the market, a new picture for the lounge room and some new mags to read 
- seems like a pretty perfect morning to me.

The loveliness continued as the family (minus the honeymooners - who BTW are leaving Vegas to drive to L.A as I type) took mum out for dinner which is always lots of fun.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else did for Mothers Day here -

I Heart Mother's Day!

Happy Mother Day, peeps!

If you are not a mother yourself, at some point I am sure you have had a mother, or perhaps known a mother? ;)

Fern woke up at 5.30am and - bless him - Dan got himself and herself up and then disappeared into the living room so I could go back to sleep. Of course, being pregnant my metabolism kicked in within about 40 seconds and I grabbed myself a bowl of rice bubbles to take back to bed... then, about 7.30am I woke up to my morning expresso and my pressies!

My loot?

- 2 pairs of jammies
- Some slippies
- The Grand Designs book (does this mean I'm allowed to build a dream house.... one day?!)
- This adorable card:

And then? Lunch at a yummy Italian restaurant. A visit to nanny and poppy's. A pony ride! And playing 'rabbit ears' with our stockings on daddy's head!
Good times. Cheers to being a mum! Hope yours was a blast too....


Pretty pink & green

Pretty Pink & Green
This week on Flickr Faves Sunday, I bring you some pretty pink and green with these gorgeous pics. Check back soon for some more of the most inspirational photographers on Flickr.

Some beautiful shots from my Flickr favourites (clockwise from top left):

Have a sweet day!