~ Fab Mummy Find ~

I love a handbag - my husband believes I am obsessed - it is not shoes for me but bags.

When we recently moved it was boxes of bags we found that I had stored for a few years - I am not a hoarder but for some reason I keep my bags!

I even love nappy bags but at times get a little frustrated that once you put a few nappies, wipes and a change of clothes in there is no room for anything else.

My latest love is this ... my melobaby.

It is a small and compact wallet that fits all the essentials - nappies, disposal bags, wipes, change of clothes and it has a built in change mat. I can throw it in to any bag or even take it by itself and I am set! I can choose if I want to take one of my groovy nappy bags or just a normal handbag - how exciting to have choices again.

Check it out here.