Introducing Petunia...

Is she not the most delightful thing you have ever seen?? I met her on Sunday and just could not wait any longer to show you. These are her friends Zinnia and Hyacinth!

Their {just as delightful} creator Nancy had a stall at the same market as I, last weekend.  Her children's fashion label Wolf and Willow is truly an amazing sight.

Nancy personifies the handmade revolution to a tee.

You can easily see that every item is made with so much thought,  love and care.
Wolf and Willow designs are based on genuine vintage sewing patterns from the fifties, sixties and seventies and are {almost} too good to wear.  Her collection consists of vintage inspired children's clothing, soft toys, bedding and accessories.

I especially love this Prancing Pony Pinafore 
In her description of this dress she says "I make precious things that children will treasure and remember long after they are grown".... well Nancy this is certainly one of those.
Nancy will be working on a very special tee for Miss Louise so it won't be long before I can show you a few more photo's of her work 
Why not pop into her Etsy store, Blog or Facebook page and say hello!
All images are from her blog