All of a sudden, I have grown absolutely enormous k-nockers!
This didn't happen last time. Not that I recall anyway. I distinctly recall cankles, a football head, puffy fingers, swollen feet and a lovely brown mask all over my face. But big bosoms? Not so much.
Technically speaking, my new twosome are not textbook behemoth. If I'm completely honest about my size, I'd say I am now a well endowed B-cup. But let me tell you, this is larger than I have ever been in my life, which says much about my size previously! I never quite realised how, ahem, little I had until I finally filled a B cup!
Have I lost you yet? I've sort of lost me. Call it pregnancy brain. Surely I have more to think about than the size of my own knockers?
Check out these lov-e-ly brassieres I treated myself to today, in celebration of growing out of my training bras!
What occupies your mind this week?