Moooooooooooly good hair

I have hair that's favourably classed as 'dry' but really should be called 'unruly'. It's thick and kinky-curled and frizzcityrama. After having the children, things became even more dry, kinky and frizzy and I pretty much resigned myself to having crazy hair for life. I used to think that the best I could hope for was that if I worked it with a good (read: pricey) shampoo, conditioned it twice and slapped in loads of product it could look... passable.

But that all changed when I found the cow.

A friend put me onto Moo Goo products to help me combat the psoriasis that I have on the sole of one foot and in my hairline. So I started using the products because, frankly, when you suffer from psoriasis, you'll try pretty much anything (ever smelt Coal Tar?).

 [Image: Moo Goo]

Instant success. The psoriasis has improved immensely and so has the hair. In fact, the hair is so improved that I swear I will never use any other product ever again. Best of all, Moo Goo products are so natural and chemical-free that I started using the products in the children's baths and hair and they look so shiny and glossy that it brings a tear to the eye.

If you have dry hair or damaged hair, or even if you have normal hair, check them out!