I'm not sure whether it's the incessant rain; the fact that it is now Winter; my realisation that I am now in the third trimester (eek) or something else... but I feel decidedly gloomy! If I were to draw my own self portrait right now, it would look sort of like the doll pictured above (available for $29.95 here) but with a slightly bigger tummy!
Don't worry, I'll snap out of it!
Actually, I'm going to start right now. Here are 3 things I'm going to force myself to come up with right now that have made me smile today:
1. Fern. Nothing in particular. Just her. Even the thought of her makes me smile.
2. Reading a whole magazine from cover to cover. Ok, it was the May edition of Home Beautiful which is kinda sad... but I got there in the end!
3. Designing baby #2's quilt with my lovely mother-in-law. Thank god for family members with way more talent than I!
There. I did it. That wasn't so hard... was it?
What are 3 things that made YOU smile today?