It's called a deadline, people. Dead. Line.

I'm tired. Dead tired. I'm tired because the Tsunamis won't sleep. And I'm especially tired because people are really bloody annoying.

I work for a large corporate in a glamourous advertising role (yeah, right). There are lots of projects so that means there are lots of timelines which means there are lots and lots and lots of deadlines. I'm cool with that. Aside from being a flaky, wishy-washy creative type, I'm rather efficient and organised and I thrive on structure.

I seem to be the only one.

I can't tell you how much of my day I waste chasing people.  They're all business as we set up a job, promising the world. But then, do they do what they say they'll do when they say they'll do it? Absolutely not.

I understand procrastination, I really do. On the home front, LOML and I have been getting around to selling our car for 2.2 years, buying a flatscreen for 1.5 years and baptising our third born into the (parental, Italian Catholic) faith for 2. The towel rack in the bathroom fell down 2 years ago and I've been meaning to buy an extension cord for the vacuum cleaner for about 5 years (we have moved house in the meantime).

So, I get the procrastination thing.

But not at work. Surely not there. Not when they're paying you and not when there are so many more interesting things we could all be doing if we just get the job done and go home. Oh wait, that's me. I forgot I work for a large corporate where working into the night is a lifestyle choice for some. Because if I'm really efficient I might get my work done on time and then what would I do? Go home to my family and friends? My colleagues are my friends.

Like, I said, people are really bloody annoying.