What I learned* this week including the benefits of procrastination

In a week of redheads, sister-lovin' and afternoon teas, here's my top 10 things to know.

1. Some people just aren't that nice, including (shock!) in etherspace.

2. Since "mede-tai" means happiness in Japanese, sea bream ("tai") is traditionally served at weddings. (For more utterly fascinating things to know about Japan, contact Maxi-Taxi whose class went Japanese for the 'World Cup Week' at school.)

3. It's possible to like OTT bitchy, gay males after all. Michael K over at dlisted is hysterical and not too annoying.

4. Not that I really care, but I when I learned that "Kendra Wilkinson believes her sex tape will make her a better parent" I had a little chuckle. Especially when she goes on to say "We're not going to have kids just because a sex tape came out. That's just stupid." Gold.

5. The kids clothes at Ivy Design are fall-in-love beautiful. Look out for The Badoo in the little number above come Springtime.

6. 'Jedi' is an official religion, with over 70,000 followers in Australia. A little concerning, maybe it could be the new Scientology?

7. LOML is a saint. (We really should get around to The Badoo's christening!)

8. Fancy hairdressers charge obscene amounts of money to essentially do something that Cappers does well. Cut stuff. Maybe Cappers can cut my hair next time...

9. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise. Thanks for jamming my head with this fascinating fact, Mirg. I especially appreciate the lecture about Venus not fitting in with the entire rest of the universe while Mars is fitting in just fine.

10. Companies such as 3M and Google have cottoned on to the amazing creative power of procrastination. A portion of every employee's working day is set aside to 'work on anything they like' (apparently most of the geeks play chess) and the distraction alone is often enough to get their creativity firing again. 3M estimate that this 'bootlegging hour'  produces up to 40% of new innovations for the company. Breathe again.

What did you learn this week?

[Image: Ivy Design]

* There's been some debate about whether this should be 'learnt' or 'learned' and I admit I've spent countless sleepless nights tossing and turning it inside my restless, weary mind. I think 'learnt' is old-school correct, but either is acceptable these wanton days. Mum? Anyone?