Awesome Things

I received the latest copy of Notebook Magazine in the mail last week - I so love receiving magazines I subscribe too - sometimes however it takes me until the next magazine is out to get to the last - I have great intentions of sitting down and flicking but other things get in the way. So last night I finally made it to the editors page where she talks about the website 1000 Awesome Things - yes you know what this means - down goes the magazine and back to the computer to check out this website! This website has now got me thinking of my own list (I love a good list - I will even add something to a list after I have done it and then tick it off!)

So being in need of writing a few awesome things down (it is still school holidays and in need of positive reinforcement) here is a list of a few things that I think are awesome:-

When you go to get the baby out of bed after a nap and she is so excited to see you
When you cook something and it looks like the picture
When the kids draw a picture of you and you are smiling
When you arrive home after the cleaners have been
When the kids ask for an apple and not a biscuit
When you wake up on a Saturday morning and you realise it is the weekend and you have nothing in particular on
When the baby is mesmerized by a bird in the backyard
Leaving the hairdresser with perfectly blow dried hair
Watching kids blow bubbles
Going to bed listening to the rain on the roof and waking up to a crystal clear day

Would love to hear a few things you think are awesome - leave me a link back to your blog or comment here.
