Now my due date is looming closer (less than 7 weeks to go!) I've been dreaming more and more about the sex of my baby.
Girl or boy?
Technically, it's a 50/50 chance either way. I'm one of 3 girls. Dan is one of 3 boys. No clues there! Of course, I'm enjoying everyone from complete strangers to close family members having an opinion but I think its funny when they ask me what I think, as though the mother has some sort of special intuition... because the truth is, I have absolutely no idea! I don't have any particular preference either; I already have my special little girl (I desperately wanted a girl first time around) and, whilst I'd like my pigeon pair the idea of two little girls sounds rather sweet to me too!
I must admit, I was impatient the first time around, and I found out the sex as early as possible. I was desperate to start planning a nursery, a wardrobe and a name and those things were a lot easier if you knew what you were having! My planning was a lot easier once I knew, and I never had any regrets about finding out. It therefore surprised me how many people were shocked that I already knew, and wanted to know what I could possibly have to get me through my labour without the surprise at the end (um, how about meeting my beautiful daughter?!)
I haven't tried any of those old wives-tale techniques for guessing the sex of your baby - you know, like dangling your wedding-ring-on-a-string to see whether it circles or sways...
If I was pressed, I would have to admit I am getting boyish vibes this time around - the nursery definitely sways more toward a boy which was an unconscious act, and I've been looking at boys clothing in the stores without even being aware of what I'm doing. But maybe that's just a protection mechanism so I'm not shocked if something other than a girl (which Im used to) pops out.
In the end, it really doesn't matter. Boy or girl, I already know I will fall in crazily in love with it. But I must admit it's been nice to experience the surprise this time around, and I dream of the sense of anticipation I will feel as my baby arrives and I finally hear the words "it's a ...... "
Did YOU find out the sex of your baby before it was born? What were your reasons for finding out/ not finding out? Would you do it differently next time around?