Nosybella's baaaack. Asking all the questions, begging for all the answers.
Today I'm all about life experiences and the many little past yous that add up to a whole today you. So, I'm asking, have you ever (my evers in brackets)...
lived overseas? (Four years in London with LOML in my late twenties. Good times.)
hitch-hiked? (Most of the way around France and parts of Ireland. Remind me to tell you about the time the busker with the manequin picked us up outside Roussilion.)
bought a self-help book? (Dr Phil takes pride of place on my shelf. You can't change what you don't acknowledge, people.)
skinny-dipped? (Many times, but privately. Is that the same?)
tried accupuncture? (Needle-phobic, but so desperate for back-pain relief during pregnancy that I tried it and I liked it.)
had a one night stand? (Seemingly a necessary part of growing up in Sydney in the nineties.)
re-gifted? (Often, a great way to recycle!)
loved somebody so much it makes you cry? (Having a Brandy moment there... and the answer is I've wept)
Have you ever... shared?