Strange moments in word verification

I've been jotting down some of my finer 'word verification' (WV) moments as I pop about commenting on my favourite blogs. Strange past time, I know, but you'd be amazed just how... er... psychic the WV tool is.

Hear me out.

It all started a month or so ago when I commented on my sister's blog. She was writing something about the skirt in her younger-self photo being too short. I wrote a standard reply about "nothing is too short when you're 24" and hit send. But when it came to the WV, the word I had to type was 'crach'. So I ended up writing a PS to amend my comment to 'at least nothing is too short when you're 24 unless you can see your crach'.

You see where I'm going with this?
Other highlights have been:
Emma at Frog Goose Bear posted a Wordless Wednesday shot involving a dining room table and a spilled bowl of cereal. Cereal everywhere. WV response: mesymes
And Brenda at Mira Narnie posted a lovely idea for kids using coloured water to investigate cause and effect. WM response: kydfarn
My favourite, though, was when Fat Mum Slim posted about being at your most beautiful at 31. I  posted my comment, something about being happy to work on the 'beauty on the inside' bit and not so worried about the 'beauty on the outside' bit and then looked down at my WV: lyerar
You see? Word verification is either psychic or a psychotherapist. Either way, hours of enjoyment is ours for the taking!

[Image: my 'lil sis Coo at 24 years. Isn't she pretty!]