I Won!

I Won! My first giveaway I've ever entered! And I LOVE the prize. 
I blogged about this giveaway here! Check it out! 

The next two days I will be very busy getting ready for our trip to New York for the holiday weekend! I am so excited. But I'm REALLY hoping Hurricane Earl stays way away!
Here's the current path:
So we may be following EARL up the east coast Friday morning :/ 
It shouldn't be too bad, but it will probably rain most of Friday. 

I'm going to have to find myself a big clear umbrella like this:

Or this...
Photos Of Blake and Leighton take cover

Or THIS...
nubrella washingtonp the new umbrella   Nubrella!

Haha just kidding with that one.

They sell them at Target so I'll have to stop by there.
Regardless if it's raining or not- it's going to be awesome!

Oh and Happy September!
It's going to be a crazy busy month for us!