Is blogging a winter sport?
Not sure about you, but now that the weather is heating up around here (well sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't! What a weird Spring we're having!) I find myself with less and less time to blog.
Is it that I'd rather be outside?
Is it that work is busier this time of year?
Is it that I'm tired as we gear up for the silly season?
It's a little bit of all of that. To be honest, I think I've just lost my blogging spark (my blark) a little bit. Then, this week, someone dear to me has had what can only be called a blogging disaster and I just feel like taking a mini-blogcation out of support for her.
It's very mini. I'll be back for Grateful Saturday ('cos, let's face it, I can't miss my gratefuls - won't you join me?)... enjoy yourself until then. x