Things I learned this week including that all a boy really needs is a spider

Happy 'less than a month until Christmas' to you! We did Santa letters this week and amazingly the Tsunamis couldn't think of more than 157 things to ask for this year. Their letters were each only 11 pages long. It's a Christmas Miracle.

Aside from learning that my children are as materialistic and greedy as ever, I also learned:

1. The best game in the world for little boys is catching ants and flinging them onto Golden Orb or St Andrew's spiderwebs and watching the 'pet spider' sort out his dinner. To be honest, it's also the best game in the world for little boys' mothers too - I have lost HOURS this week alone....

2. My life is not complete without a personalised wooden stamp from Love to Create. And, as it says on the box, it would "make a fantastic wedding gift" if the wedding couple had already moved into their 'forever' home because what exactly do you do with an address stamp for an address you no longer need to stamp?

3. RikRak Studio is not only the place to go for a showcase of the Beautiful and the Handmade, she is also having an AMAZING Happy Holidays giveaway that you would be nuts to miss out on... NUTS. Get over there! No wait, finish reading my post first and then get over there...!

4. I don't know how I've existed up until now without this perfect bedside lamp...

5. I hate my new "Grateful" banner but I'm too lazy to change it right now.

How was your week? Did you learn anything new to share with the group today?


Edited on Saturday:

I changed my button. I don't know why I didn't like the old button, but I like the new one a lot. Sorry for any trouble for those lovelies who had the banner button in their sidebar... love you! x

[Image by Sarah Rosiee]