Snow Day!

But first....
I think this is my new favorite picture of my girl. 

 I went into work this morning (and went to get my white mocha from Safeway/Starbucks where all the crazies were getting bread and milk) so I didn't have a full snow day but I am home now! I'm watching TLC, wrapping gifts, cleaning, blogging, and watching the snow fall while snug on the couch.. yes I'm doing all of these things. This would be after trudging through all the traffic due to an overturned car, and after I was nearly stuck on a hill on a back road. I really didn't think I was going to make it, I had NO control over my wheel, and had the gas pushed down pretty hard trying to inch up the hill. It took awhile but I made it and I was SO glad to be home. The roads were terrible. Snow is not fun when you have to drive in it... or shovel it. Otherwise I would love it. It's so pretty.

And Roxy likes to hop in it.. for like ten seconds.
she has a bag with a bone in it.. it's the only thing she would chase after at the moment :)
Ah, wish I had my shutter speed higher for this photo, oh well I'll have more times to play with it this winter!
But after those seconds she's cold and done :)

P.S. Could ya please vote for my bokeh at Allie Photography?! This is if you like my photo! That would be wonderful :) Thanks!!