I'm 10 days into being at home every day with the Tsunamis and I'm a quivering wreck.
Oh, okay then. Maybe not a wreck, but I'm quivering.
What on earth do I do with these fireballs of energy all day? Activities, I can do. We've done beach, lagoon, pool, beach, zoo, putt-putt golf (dear god, we did putt-putt golf) and parks. It's this 'at home' business I can't get my head around. I mean, we all have to be at home sometimes, right? Right?
They won't watch much tv (believe me, I've tried) and they are really, really fast painters. In fact, they do everything at speed so activities I think will be good for an hour or more are over in 5 minutes flat. I feel like my days are permanently stuck on fast forward while they break the land-speed for playdohing and then they hit the pause button and just watch me.
"What are you doing, Cappers?"
"I'm watching you, Mummy."
"Wouldn't you rather play with your dolls?"
I've tried booting them out the back door and telling them to come in when it starts to get dark. But even I know that I'm pushing my luck when it's 7am and they're, you know, 2 years old. Maybe if it wasn't daylight savings?
Do tell me. Pretty please with vodka on top. What do you do with your children all day?
[Image via weheartit - please let me know if you know where it came from]