I like a well-groomed man as much as the next girl. But erk! Have you noticed that more and more men seem determined to bind themselves up in knots over beauty like women have for centuries? I don't get it.
I don't get why they want to rip out all their pubic hair.
I don't get why they want to stab themself in the eye with a mascara wand.
I don't get why they want to show off their moobs.
I don't get why they are stumbling around in high heels.
What's going on? I am truly baffled by this whole 'manscara' phenomenon! To be honest, it makes me dry wretch a little bit. The femiman is not my kinda man at all and on a more important level... why on earth would you do this stuff to yourself if 1000s of years of social norms weren't making you?
Do you find femimen men hot?
[Header image from here]