This week I'm grateful for... new friends

I've ranged this week from 'nurse' to a 'bugged' Cappers (her words); to 'host' of an Australia Day gala; to 'cleaner' as I prepared for and recovered from said gala (such a lot of vacuuming involved when one hosts a party!); to 'proud mumma' as I watched my Tsunamis take to swimming with a vengeance; to 'stressed out and freaking' wife at a little scare LOML gave me today (nothing to worry about!). It's been grand.

I do also admit to going a bit stir crazy, as I always do when faced with a house, three children and me, just me. Not great at being a stay at home mum. I get better after a few days... I need to find my 'home' groove and dance to that. We get there.

So, this week I have lots to be grateful for, but to narrow it down...

1. New friends - how lovely to find newbies that you have lots in common with and really, really like. It's so great to drag out fave stories for an appreciative new crowd. And beyond fab to get to talk about all the stuff like 'how you met' and 'where did you grow up?'... love it.

2. Older children - at 6 and 5 years old, my two bigger Tsunamis are growing into the 'older child' bracket. The bracket where you're at a party and you don't see them for hours. You practically forget you even have children. Of course, a warm, melting Badoo on the lap on a hot day keeps it real.

3. A cool breeze at day's end - we sweltered on Thursday but then a light rain fell and brought with it a cool stirring. Sheer, welcome relief.

So, what's making you smile today? Grab my I'm grateful for... button from my sidebar if you like, add your I'm Grateful For post below and please add a link back to me in your post. Then pop over to visit other bloggers who are spreading a little sunshine. Happy day to you!

[Cute little gingerbread image by C-L-K]

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