Don't you just love a coincidence? I've had three happen this week. One of the girls who is interested in our newly vacant nanny position used to live in our house. One of my fave bloggers lives in the same suburb as me. The new boyfriend of a work friend is an old school mate of mine.
Amaaaaazing every time.
So this week I'm grateful for...
1. Coincidences - there's a touch of the fairy dust about them. They let you form bonds you never expected for reasons that spark your imagination.
2. Knowledge - learning new stuff is a must for me. I never want to stop learning and growing and knowing. Right now it's how gardens grow. Later, who knows?
3. Movies - any spare time that I can gather I want to spend at the movie theatre. I have always loved it there.
So, what's making you smile today? Grab my I'm grateful for... button from my sidebar if you like, add your I'm Grateful For post below and please add a link back to me in your post. Then pop over to visit other bloggers who are spreading a little sunshine. Happy day to you!
Make some new friends by linking up with our British friend, Mummy From the Heart's Reasons To Be Cheerful too!
[Image via weheartit... please let me know if it is yours.]