15 Week Bumpdate

15 weeks (2) copy

How Far Along: 15 weeks, 2 days
Baby: Is the size of an ORANGE
Total Weight Gained: I had an OB appt today- according to them I am -3.
Sleep: I'm up anywhere between 2 to 4 times a night to pee, and having a lot of crazy dreams, but still getting good sleep. 
Maternity Clothes: I bought some! I bought a pair of jeans, capri's, and leggings. Although my bump is still pretty little they are SO much more comfortable around the abdomen.  I was getting tired of tying a hair tie around the buttons of my pants, and having them press against me. 
Best Moment of the Week: Cleaning out our guest room! It's all ready to paint now!!
Food Cravings/Aversions: Love fruits (apples, plums, & oranges are my fav's). Also loving noodles. Still disliking full slabs of meat. 
Symptoms: I think I have almost all of energy back now! Still getting sick every few mornings :/  Days are pretty good though and my nights have gotten so much better, thanks to Pepcid!! I'm able to eat most of my dinner now, enjoy it, and not feel miserable after! A big relief. 
Movement: I felt flutters!! I was laying in bed one morning, just thinking. And then all the sudden I thought.. wait.. what was that? 20 seconds later it happened again and I just knew it was my little bean kicking! It felt like tiny popcorns popping :) I felt it three times.  And then last night (after a tiny bowl of chocolate chip cookies & vanilla bean ice cream) I was sitting on the couch and felt flutters again. I'm seriously in shock that I can feel my baby already!!
Gender: We find out on APRIL 28th at 19 1/2 weeks.
What I miss: Cold cuts. Cold cuts. Cold cuts.
What I'm looking forward to: Hitting 16 weeks/4 months!
Weekly Wisdom: Pepcid works very well. And chewing gum also helps!
Milestones: The bump is getting firmer by the day and the uterus has moved up quite a bit! Baby can now sense light (and shy away from it) and can wiggle his/her fingers and toes :)

Here's what we look like at 15 weeks, according to BabyCenter :)
Baby, fetus at 15 weeks - BabyCenter