That entrepreneurial thing you do

A little part of me has always wanted to open my own business. Doing what, I'm not exactly sure, but maybe a children's party service, maybe a cafe (not just a virtual one!), maybe really throw it all in and open some kind of gardening business. There's a romance in doing your own thing that really appeals to me; a great satisfaction in providing for yourself.

That's the little part of me.

The big part of me realises that entrepreneurial I am not. I have neither the stamina nor the self-discipline required to run my own show. Plus I'm much too needy; who would praise and compliment me for a job well done if I worked on my own? I couldn't rely on grouchy customers, surely?

That hasn't stopped my head from being turned by those Huggies 'mumrepreneur' grants (and not just because 'mumrepreneur' is just such a lame word). Have you seen what they're offering? $20,000 to help five lucky mummas realise their small-business dream. Imagine! I've been thinking up grand schemes for weeks, conveniently forgetting with every single dream that I am still myself and $20,000 isn't gonna change that! Although, now that I think about it, $20K is a whole lotta praise, right?!

But what about you? Do you fancy yourself as an entrepreneur? Could you imagine opening your own business? What would you do? I know many, many of you lovelies already do and I would be very interested to hear what made you take the leap and just begin.

[Image via weheartit]