This week I'm grateful for... engaged strangers

What on earth is an engaged stranger, you ask? Someone you don't know who is about to get married?


This week I'm grateful for...

115. Engaged strangers - those lovely people here and there that acknowledge the world around them and make outings with children just that little bit easier. The tough guy at the supermarket who pulled funny faces to amuse The Badoo at the checkout. The kind people who wave and smile back when my extra-friendly son says "hello Big Person, do you like Harry Potter too?" (and, really, who are all those people who just keep on walking past him with a frown? Who are you?). The lovely lady who gave Cappers a little sweet* at the newsagency (it wasn't that kind lady's fault that World War Three instantly broke out because "she got something and I didn't"). Yes, those kind of engaged strangers. I love 'em.

116. Homecomings - LOML comes home tonight. Woot!

117. Leggings - this time of year, I'm living in them. Actually, I'm kind of into them all year 'round. I don't even care that they are sooooo yesterday; I've got a feeling they are always going to be my tomorrow staple. And don't worry, I'm all about the skirt over the top!!

* You can tell me off for letting my daughter take a sweet from a stranger if you like... but we do have a rule that they are only allowed to talk to a person they don't know if Mum or Dad are with them... it goes okay. I'll write a post on the whys and hows soon.

So, what's making you smile today? Add your I'm Grateful For post to the list below (and please, we love you, but it really does matter that your post is a Grateful one and not just a random), add the button (grab the code from my sidebar and paste it into your post) and pretty-please add a link back to me.  Then pop over to visit other bloggers who are spreading a little sunshine. 

Happy weekend to you!

[Image via weheartit]