Do you remember me telling you about the amazing party I was going to belatedly have (my birthday was back in August!) for my 40th and then the fact that I cancelled it because life just got in the way?
Well, this week I'm grateful for...
193. Surprises - A dear (new) friend insisted that we come over for dinner on the night the party was scheduled for. 'You don't want to be sitting at home wondering whether you would have been having a great time,' she said. We popped over, we had dinner together and just as we were finishing up... lots and lots of friends started coming in. Surprise!
194. Kindness - have I been grateful for this before? Probably. Kindness can never be over-rated. What a kind, generous, lovely thing for my friend to do for me. She is wonderful and I am so very lucky to have her in my life.
195. Entertainers - Linda is an 'entertainer'. She loves having people for dinner, BBQs, swim parties... just getting people together is what she loves best. Every group of friends needs a Linda. More than 40 people over to her house for a surprise party for me? No problem!
So, what's making you smile today? Add your post to the list below (and please, we love you, but it really does matter that your post is a Grateful one and not just a random) and pretty-please add a link back to this linky. Then pop over to visit other bloggers who are spreading a little sunshine.
[Image via Marlein Overakker]