Dealing with Difficult People: The Return

Yes, it's true. I've missed my light-hearted look at a very heavy-hearted subject. So, you know, I thought I'd bring back the series they tried to ban.*

Previously we've covered:

# 1 The Newborn
# 2 The Competitive Parent
# 3 Negative Nelly
# 4 Snooty Salespeople
# 5 The Toddler
# 6 Bullies
# 7 Yummy Mummies
# 8 Aggressive Drivers
# 9 The Desperate Newcomer
# 10 Rude Bastards

Clearly, we have barely scratched the surface. There is no end of difficult people to deal with out there. The passive-aggressive, the control freak, the bossy boss, the fitness freak, the corporate wanker, the mother-in-law, the lollipop lady... oh, I could go on.

Yes, I'm going to offend someone, maybe lots of someones. There are an amazing number of people out there who cannot laugh at themselves or others. My aim is not to offend, but rather to offer a lilypad through the mud of human relationships.

For we are all Difficult People at heart.

Who would you like to add to my list?
Would you like to contribute a Difficult People post of your own?

* Dramatic license may or may not have been used in this sentence.

If you're part of our 52 Weeks of Grateful community (and I really, really hope you are), just letting you know that I'm going back to posting at 9pm on Fridays, with the Kidspot posts going up earlier in the week. Last week was too weird, huh?  It's a weekend leisurely thing for me! See you tomorrow. x

[Image: Of course, Difficult People would not be the same without the amazing talents of at Suse Bauer at Revoluzzza. I thank you, my friend.]