Hello 2012: One word

Again I say it: happy, happy new year. The year is kinda new every day when you think about it. We can achieve our goals, create possibilities and keep that uplifting feeling of 'maybe' for as long as we want. Encouraging when I look back at all the broken 'new year' resolutions I've made. There is still time.

I don't really do them, resolutions I mean. Instead, I focus on a word for the year. Generally I come up with some lame play on words for the year (this was last year's feeble attempt and the year before that was two thousand and zen, god love me). But I'm having none of that this year, and not just because twelve is, like, really, really hard to work with. Twelve basically rhymes with nothing useful and with one short syllable I was venturing into territory even more rocky than last year's two thousand health-heaven. No, I'm having none of that silly word play business. It's... distracting.

This year, my word is going to be...


Everything I do, I want to question whether I could be doing it better. Am I using my resources as well as I can? Am I focusing on the task at hand enough? Are there other ways to tackle a problem? Am I being present enough? Can I save more, do more, be more and give more?

Can I be better?

I think it's essentially a year of mindfulness and purposefulness and many other important nesses. I just want to make sure I'm that kid in the front row of the class with my hand stretching into the air so bloody earnestly that you can see most of my pants and my face is red and contorted with the effort of getting that hand up there and I'm waving and screeching 'pick me, pick me'. That's the kind of year I want to have. I want to be better.

What's your word for 2012?

[Image by Sopranda Alegria]