the week so far

{park play & ice cream in extra special cones that are usually not included in their allowed to be consumed food group! they loved me a little more this day for saying yes to the sprinkle cone}

{time spent in chapel st after a movie with uncle Jonny. my bro. photo booth photos mandatory}

 {in search of ice cream. every big day out needs to be celebrated with ice cream!}

 {testing out new textas. five of them are scented. the bikini clad babe is herself}

{slip n slide time. great way to cool down on a 34 degree day. pink hair is not her real hair. it's a hair piece she fell in love with at the toy shop while busy choosing the perfect toy with Granny & Grandad. it's the first thing to go on every day!}

{hot summer skies. just perfect. & the perfect dinner to enjoy on said day tacos & beer. yum!}