You grab onto everything now. My hair being the main victim. But you're really starting to 'play' with toys. Reaching out, grasping, and shaking them.
You're still loving those fingers and you drool like crazy. I would not be surprised if a tooth popped through soon.
You love to roll yourself to your side real fast but have not yet rolled from back to tummy, just tummy to back! You're pretty good at tummy time. Though it's not your preferred position.
You are in size 3-6 and 6 month outfits. Wearing size 2 diapers. 15lbs even- according to our scale at home.
You eat 4oz every 3 hours. And we started on foods! Besides rice and cereal you have eaten carrots (you hated), baby yogurt (hated), apple sauce (not too bad), and sweet potatoes (you liked). I can tell you are going to be a picky little girl!
Nighttime has been going GREAT. Thank goodness. You are so easy to put to bed- never a fuss about it. Still sleeping in the bassinet. One day very soon we will be trying out your crib. We have to... you're outgrowing the bassinet. I will be sad. I love having you next to me.
You still lovvvee Goodnight Moon so we read that every night. You go to bed around 8:30-9pm and lately won't wake up until 4am! Then you go back to sleep until 7-7:30. Mommy loves this new schedule.
5 month photos....
*To get yourself (well your baby- unless you want one I'm sure she can make bigger sizes ;)) one of these cute hat/diaper cover sets see Caterpillar Family! She also make scarves and headbands!
You are such a sweet girl. I can't ever imagine life without you now. I love your beautiful eyes, goofy smile, and crazy tongue. You are absolutely gorgeous. And I don't think I'm just being biased by saying that ;)
Happy 5 Months Addison Mae.