I'm sure we all have images burned onto our retinas that we can never take back. Once seen, they can never be unseen. They are part of us for life.
Five of the things I have seen that I wish I could unsee.
1. A man getting brutally bashed.
This was in Nairobi. He stole a bag. They bashed him.
2. Inside my friend's vagina.
This is a story I only ever tell after about 47 glasses of wine and 3 tequila shots.
3. The lint filter of my washing machine after discovering that my 2 year old washing machine has a lint filter.
No further correspondence will be entered into on this matter.
4. The ultrasound of a blighted ovum pregnancy
That sweet mother's face is the bit that I can never unsee.
5. The home of an obsessive-compulsive hoarder
I have had an aversion to clutter ever since.
What things have you seen that you wish you could unsee?
[Image (which technically has nothing to do with this post but it has binoculars and is pretty) via weheartitbutdon'tcreditit - please let me know if it is yours]