The day my patience died...

For the first time in my life I've given something I wrote to someone else to decide if they liked it. Not including teachers, of course. Or Mum.

I saw a post by Wanderlust a little while ago that mentioned that she'd blogged over at Real Bloggers United (a blogcatalog group). I really loved Kristin's post and the idea that she had submitted it to a blog forum was really cool. I thought "hmmm, wonder if I could do that?" and decided to see if I could.

And I can.

My piece was accepted and I'm over there today with a little tale about torturous sleep-deprivation, the baby who caused it and the friend who stood by me through it all.

Hope you like! I'm a bit nervous because it's more 'creative' than I'm used to writing... nervous and rambling... 'cause I do that... ramble when I'm nervous... see?

Anyway, let me know what you think! I'm open!

[Image by Neil Glasscock]