Macaroni Couture

If there have been, like, 60 days of Winter thus far (or thereabouts) I reckon 58 of them have been cold and/or wet. Mostly wet. And I don't do wet.

Quite frankly, Ive been going out of my brain coming up with ways to entertain my first born... and of late, I've become one of those terrible mothers who plonks their child in front of ABC Kids... a lot. But I've had the guilts about it. Big time.

For the first 6 months of Fern's life, she didn't even know what a TV was. But that was then. She was happy to suck her fingers then, or stare contentedly up at her activity gym. But she's harder to entertain now... her standards are higher. She eyes most of her toys with disdain and even if I was in a position to go buy her something... I have no idea what I would get her!

But she is a real little girl, my little girl. One of her first words was 'shoes'; she eagerly watches me apply my makeup each morning and tries to grab the eyeshadow palette, she likes brushing her hair... and she adores jewellery.

So today, I forced myself to think outside the square. And get crafty. With macaroni, no less.....
Step 1. Place raw macaroni in bowl.
Step 2. Pour food dye into containers and stir.
Step 3. Drain on some towel. Marvel at colours. Scrub food colouring off white benchtop. And fingers. And floor.
Step 4. Thread onto some brightly coloured wool and make a couture necklace!

Step 5. Marvel at how daughter can refuse to look at camera for 'after' shot because she is busy trying to get at tin of tampons she found in the bathroom drawer and is now wanting desperately to play with. Confiscate tampon tin. Go back to playing with coloured macaroni. Blush when husband arrives home from work brandishing one rogue, unravelled tampon he found on the front verandah.

What to do tomorrow?!!?