We've also been working on getting our roof, siding, and shutters repaired from the hail storm. Good news is our insurance company came out and is approving all of it, no cost to us! So we'll have a whole new outside! I actually wasn't even going to call because I thought it wasn't that much damage, so glad I did. That's a lot of money we're saving, and good for resale. The makeover should happen in approx. 2 weeks!
Also, we have been planning a mini vacation for some time in the next couple months. Hopefully we will get that booked soon! And finally, Hubby was lucky enough to get a new shift for the next five weeks where he will be home for week-day dinners! This has never happened in the three years we've been in our house, or even before then for that matter. So I've been really trying to UP my cooking; Looking at new ideas and trying out different ingredients. I'm most excited I won't have to put his portion in a Tupperware, and we can eat together! It's the little things that make me happy! :)