Enjoying the moment...

Today I watched three little boys set up camp. It was with such happiness that I observed them create fun out of leaves, water, sticks and stones. A butterfly was caught and inspected through the magnifying glass and once this was done it was released with care. A tent was erected and a picnic mat made into a balcony, buckets filled and the red wagon parked next to the tent set the scene. Three little cousins playing side by side...laughing and yelling, smiling and sharing little bowls of pop corn and eating Nana's fruit cake. Boys slowing down and enjoying each other as they always do with such anticipation and joy. I know I have to just enjoy it, before they leave to go back overseas to live. It's hard though, hard not to feel sad. Sadness for three little boys who just love to play and cuddle and wrestle. I know I just have to enjoy these moments...