6 Months & Nursery Update

Six Months!!
I can't believe I'm at this point in my pregnancy already! I get more and more excited each day. 

Nursery News
Her nursery is coming along so well! First click here to see the before photos!

Here are the during pictures...

And here is what is looks like now!

We still have to add decorations, blinds, and well more baby stuff, but I'm loving it so far!

Momma & Baby Update
Overall, I'm feeling good! According to my anatomy scan I had a low lying placenta at 19 weeks. They say it's pretty normal and will likely move up but doc is sending me for another ultrasound so we can take another look at it in three weeks. So I will get to see my baby girl again! Thinking positive that everything will be in normal position! As for littles..she is now weighing over a pound and almost a foot long, she will begin to put on baby fat. As of a few days ago her heartbeat is at 150. My 24 week check up went well. At my 20 week appointment I was at my starting weight. Since then I have packed on a whopping six pounds. Eek! But my doctor is happy and so am I. I needed to gain a little weight for my little bug.

24 weeks


(I promise the mirror isn't dirty, it was all the sun glare!)