Almost a year ago I wrote a post about what an odd person I am and it turned out that I wasn't really so odd after all. We all do weird things.
Like, I've come to terms with the fact that every time I wash the dishes I get an excruciatingly itchy nose but I can't scratch it because my hands are wet because I'm washing the dishes. A little bit of torture each and every day.
And I'm okay that the few times I've managed to get my act together to go on twitter, my conversations are remarkably brief for a talker like me because every single time I'm suddenly busting for the loo. Once I've been, I forget I was ever twittering in the first place.
The other day I nearly gagged when I realised that I'd started to eat my steak before I'd finished all my vegetables.
There is no way I could fall asleep in a room with a cupboard door open.
If I kill an ant, I worry for days that millions of ants are coming to get me. This actually happened to me just this week as my pantry is full of ants and I'm pretty sure I stepped on one last Monday. I can hardly sleep because they've infiltrated the house and they are obviously coming to get me.
Before the ants can get me, I will probably get myself. I can't drink more than three glasses of alcohol without fretting that I'm going to wake up in the morning and wonder what happened the night before. This comes from experience, sadly, but at the age of almost forty and after a mere three glasses over an entire evening, you think I would have gotten over my paranoia. But I am coming to get me.
Finally, I will leave you with this random oddity. I can't sit with my back to the door. What am I, Vito Corleone? The Feds are after me? It's particularly embarrassing at work because they just move you anywhere they want you and I fret that my new desk will be the one where my back is to the door. I made my colleague swap once (thank you, Johnny), but so far no one else has noticed this odd little habit of mine. If anyone caught on, it may go some way to explaining my amazing punctuality at meetings. Every meeting you go to, there I am, the chirpy early bird facing the door ready to brightly welcome you to the room.
Like I said, I'm odd. But we all do weird things, right? Right?
[For my image we've been paid a long overdue visit by the lovely Suse Bauer from Revoluzza]