30 weeks!

I am three-fourths the way to meeting our daughter. Words can not explain how happy writing that makes me. Though I will be honest and say there are moments it also scares me. I know my world will be forever changed. I know it will no longer just be me and my husband, free to do whatever, whenever. Gone will be the days as I/we now know them. We will have a tiny life to take care of, to raise, to nurture. She will be fully dependent on us. And while I feel I am ready, I don't think anyone is really ever ready for all the changes a new life brings.

Addison is a rolly polly girl. She rarely ever kicks me hard, she just flops around and stretches now making my stomach push out in certain areas. Most the time I can rub her back down if it gets uncomfortable. The other morning I was hit in the rib for the first time, it didn't hurt, just a weird feeling! She moves ALL the time now. It's an amazing feeling, like I'm already getting to know her. I love it! She also has the hiccups daily :)

(pair being busy with being lazy and a work bathroom mirror pic is what you get)

I have gained roughly eleven pounds total so far (don't know why I feel the need to tell the world that other than it's a question I'm often asked *why?!*)  I'm still feeling great minus getting good sleep. It's so hard to get comfortable and have back support. I'm constantly flipping from side to side, stuffing pillows and blankets around me, and trying my hardest not to sleep on my back (which is so comfortable to me). Then throw in getting up to pee at least twice a night...I guess this is just preparing me for lack of sleep when she's here! Other than that the heartburn is getting worse, egh; 3rd trimester fatigue is starting to hit; and pregnancy brain is increasing! Still, I can barely complain, there are times I totally forget I'm pregnant!

The past seven months have flown by, and now there are just ten weeks to finish preparing. There's a lot left to be done. Nesting began early with me but as of lately it has subsided. My baby shower is in two weeks (eek!) and I'm hoping that will kick things into gear. But I will probably slack until :)

Don't forget today is 7/11 ...which means FREE SLURPEE DAY at 7/11! Can't beat free ;)